Faith Hope Love: Annual Conference 2024 Was Held June 13-15 in Akron


The 55th session of East Ohio Annual Conference was held June 13-15, 2024, at Akron’s John S. Knight Center.
The theme for the three days of Holy Conferencing was “Faith Hope Love”. Services and sessions were grounded in the prophetic promise recorded in Isaiah 40:31 (NIV).

In her Episcopal Address Bishop Tracy S. Malone encouraged clergy and laity to read ¶105 of The Book of Discipline outlining The Theological Task of the Church.

“We endeavor through the power of the Holy Spirit to understand the love of God given in Jesus Christ. We seek to spread this love abroad. As we see more clearly who we have been, as we understand more fully the needs of the world, as we draw more effectively upon our theological heritage, we will become better equipped to fulfill our calling as the people of God,” Malone said. “Brothers and sisters, siblings in Christ, the renewal and unity of the Church is all of our work to do.”

Annual Conference approved a $8,237,340 budget for 2025 (a 20% reduction from 2024); raised by 5% the minimum salaries for all categories of clergy; approved Phase 1 of the Simplified Accountable Structure form of governance for East Ohio Conference leadership; approved three resolutions, and much more.

View and download the AC 2024 recap video.
Read and download the AC 2024 recap article.
View and download videos of and from AC 2024.
View and download photos of AC 2024.

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The United Methodist Church. #Be UMC.

“I am United Methodist because of community. I grew up going to church with my Grandma and as I grew I had many vacant roles filled by people in the church,” said Rev. Alex Parisher. “I am thankful for The United Methodist Church and the role it’s played in teaching me about community in the world and in my life.”

E-mail Brett Hetherington to schedule a time to share your story of how your life has been transformed through the ministries of The United Methodist Church.

View #BeUMC stories & the EOC #BeUMC website.

Storyboard: Faith Witness Transformation

Our EOC podcast, Storyboard: Faith Witness Transformation, explores what it means to #BeUMC.

Episode 38 is titled “Experiencing God Through The UMC: Empowering Female Refugees to Transform Africa”. Rev. Bruce Hitchcock, Judy Kidder and Rev. Steve Knisely share about the Lift Her Up ministry that is raising money for scholarships so that female students in a Zimbabwe refugee camp who have been accepted to Africa University can enroll at the United Methodist-related institution of higher learning.

Bishop Tracy S. Malone Shares Information about General Conference Legislation

In the above video message, Bishop Tracy S. Malone shares with laity and clergy how some of the legislation approved at General Conference will impact mission and ministry in the East Ohio Conference.

On Saturday, May 18 the bishop and members of the delegation held an East Ohio General Conference Information Session at Wooster UMC sharing details and answering questions about this year’s conference.

Nearly 800 delegates from the worldwide United Methodist Church met in Charlotte, North Carolina April 23 - May 3 for the postponed 2020 General Conference, which wasn't held because of the pandemic.

General Conference is the top policy-making body of The United Methodist Church. The assembly meets at the beginning of each quadrennium to consider revisions to church law, adopt resolutions on current moral, social, public policy, and economic issues, and approve plans and budgets for church-wide programs for the next four years.

Delegates gathered in the Charlotte Convention Center worshipped, prayed, debated and engaged together in holy conferencing as they made decisions for how United Methodists will reach out in their respective mission fields making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Read the General Conference recap article.
Download and share the GC recap video.
Learn more about this year’s General Conference.

Equipping local churches to be, make, and mature disciples of Jesus Christ

Annual Conference 2024

ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2024: Registration is closed for this year’s Annual Conference, but you can watch the livestream of this year’s session June 13-15 from the John S. Knight Center in Akron. Clergy Session on June 12 will not be livestreamed. Learn more about AC 2024.

Ba A YES! Church

BE A YES! CHURCH: Every time we accept the invitation to come to the Lord’s Table, we are saying YES to being open to the movement of the Holy Spirit. Learn about being a YES! Church committed to worshipping, praying, loving, growing, serving, listening, and connecting!

Lighthouse Churches

LIGHTHOUSE CHURCHES: Are you on a pilgrimage searching for a new church to call home? We invite you to visit a Lighthouse church near you. These are congregations dedicated to The United Methodist Church that welcome those seeking a new church home. Find a Lighthouse church in your area.

Conference Stands Against Racism

EOC STANDS AGAINST RACISM: Bishop Tracy S. Malone, the Extended Cabinet, and East Ohio Conference laity and clergy are committed to stand against racism. Visit the Stand Against Racism resource page for small group studies, videos, podcasts, books, and more to learn how you can stand against racism.
